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Friday, 6 June 2014

MEN ONLY: Thirteen Signs that you’re chasing a wild goose.

If she exhibits one or more of the below, she is NOT playing hard to get, so cut your losses and move on.

1. She’s not returning your calls. She may not call you but not returning your calls is plain rude and a clear ‘I am not interested’ signal. If she’s playing games, even worse, you should think twice whether this is the type of girl you want to be spending time with. Flashing red- light!

2. She’s giving you monotonous responses on the phone or text. Women like to talk especially to men they are interested in. One word answers mean ‘I am not interested in letting you know me and I am not interested in knowing you either.’ This is one signal I wish all guys would understand quicker. Double red- light!

3. She’s inflexible and too busy to fit you into her schedule. It is not unusual for a woman to clear her whole day’s schedule just to be available for one hour with a man she is clearly interested in. Red-light!

4. She declines gifts, never lets you do her any favors – or she repays them immediately. This is a sign she knows you’re into her, and she doesn’t want to feel indebted or obligated to you. Most women love receiving gifts and if she declines or doesn't acknowledge the gesture there isn’t a clearer signal that she is not interested. Proceed with caution!

5. She agrees to go out with you but cancels at the last minute. If she has cancelled on you a few times. Hint, hint, you are just back up.

6. You don’t hear from her for weeks or months at a time, and then she calls out of the blues to hang out. Chances are she is bored and you are the very last resort. You’re worse than back up.

7. She’s trying to hook you up with her friends or talking about how attractive other women are. This is a sure sign she is trying to deflect your attention from herself to another woman. Not a good sign.

8. She’s talking to you about other men she is interested in. This is really a hopeless situation and if she’s doing this because she’s playing games, again I ask is this the kind of woman you really want to be with.

9. She says ‘maybe’ to a date scheduled 2 weeks in advance. She’s just being polite, she’s not interested.

10. She tells you that she just wants to be friends or that she thinks of you as a brother (much worse). This means that she doesn’t find you attractive. She enjoys your company but she does not want to sleep with you. Sorry brother.

11. She finds every reason to argue with you and then puts the blame on you.She’s trying to justify why you’re so wrong for her. Please help her leave you. Run!

12. She puts you down in public, shouts at you or rolls her eyes in contempt. Wow! She has no respect for you whatsoever so please just leave her alone.

13. She doesn't laugh at your jokes. She either doesn't get your sense of humor, which means you probably aren't compatible or you are really rubbing her the wrong way. When women are interested, everything about you is funny. She will laugh even when it isn’t funny.

Thank me later.

Tuesday, 25 March 2014


hot isnt she?????

Forget about Citizen TV’s LILLIAN MULI …… this NEWS ANCHOR is the HOTTEST of them all …… the CURVES (Agatha) - See more at: http://www.jobskenyasite.com/forget-citizen-tvs-lillian-muli-news-anchor-hottest-curves-agatha/#sthash.vHWArjiI.dpuf


josé Mestre from Lisbon, Portugal, developed a rare disease which has left him deformed and he has a huge facial deformity which started growing on his lips when he was fourteen. Over the years, this tumor grew to be over five kilograms in weight. It caused him to become partialy blind in one eye and made it very hard for him to breathe, eat and sleep. He has spent forty years of his life without treatment because of “years of medical misinformation, some misdiagnosis, lack of finances, and reluctance to undergo treatment due to religious beliefs.”In 2010, José travelled to Chicago to undergo four operations to remove his tumor and restore his facial features. The tumor mass was removed completely in the first operation and the next three aimed to reconstruct the face. The operations were successful and José travelled back to Lisbon a few weeks after treatment.l


Wonders shall never end,this couple got stuck after a night of extasy and love making only to find themselves in the open air,without knowing how they got there, Nobody can really explain this as it was a very weird occurrence. Neighbors heard loud ecstatic noise from the couple's apartment the night before, only for resident to wake up the following morning to see this couple in deep sleep in the middle of the road


Hindu believers regard  cows as a holy animals and say cows urine has divine healing properties.
However, they insist that the cow should be a virgin for one to drink its urine – she must not have delivered a calf. Also, the urine is to be collected just before sunrise – that’s the urine that has the best effect. They also claim that drinking cow pee is the only effective solution for treating baldness. Jairam Singhal, 42, who has been drinking cow pee for over a decade was keen to testify to its health benefits: ‘'I had diabetes, but ever since I have started drinking cow urine, my diabetes levels have been under control. Someone told me drinking cow urine is good for health.

 We have had cows here for over 12 years now, so first thing in the morning we take cow urine and drink it.’' For the cow owners, Singhal, they are excited at the amount of people that come to their ranch to drink 
urine. He said: ‘Lots of people come here. And of late, 
the numbers have been rising. We all gather in the 
morning and drink fresh urine that Mother cow offers 
us. Just a few years ago, there would hardly be anyone
 interested in taking cow urine from our shelter. But 
today lots of people come to our cow shelter. There are
 cancer patients sometimes – they want to see the 
benefits of cow urine. It is just a matter of time before
 people realise the utility of cow urine.

See Pastor Who Touches Women's Private Parts in His Church

It is no more news that a lot of pastors have lost their sense of reasoning all in the name of religion.
Some men of God have taken advantage o

f some of their sheep to deprive them one thing or another. The same thing said about female members of this church. I will allow you ask the necessary questions as regards why this pastor must touch the women's milk and private part to perform miracle????.