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Tuesday, 25 March 2014


Hindu believers regard  cows as a holy animals and say cows urine has divine healing properties.
However, they insist that the cow should be a virgin for one to drink its urine – she must not have delivered a calf. Also, the urine is to be collected just before sunrise – that’s the urine that has the best effect. They also claim that drinking cow pee is the only effective solution for treating baldness. Jairam Singhal, 42, who has been drinking cow pee for over a decade was keen to testify to its health benefits: ‘'I had diabetes, but ever since I have started drinking cow urine, my diabetes levels have been under control. Someone told me drinking cow urine is good for health.

 We have had cows here for over 12 years now, so first thing in the morning we take cow urine and drink it.’' For the cow owners, Singhal, they are excited at the amount of people that come to their ranch to drink 
urine. He said: ‘Lots of people come here. And of late, 
the numbers have been rising. We all gather in the 
morning and drink fresh urine that Mother cow offers 
us. Just a few years ago, there would hardly be anyone
 interested in taking cow urine from our shelter. But 
today lots of people come to our cow shelter. There are
 cancer patients sometimes – they want to see the 
benefits of cow urine. It is just a matter of time before
 people realise the utility of cow urine.


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