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Tuesday, 25 March 2014


hot isnt she?????

Forget about Citizen TV’s LILLIAN MULI …… this NEWS ANCHOR is the HOTTEST of them all …… the CURVES (Agatha) - See more at: http://www.jobskenyasite.com/forget-citizen-tvs-lillian-muli-news-anchor-hottest-curves-agatha/#sthash.vHWArjiI.dpuf


josé Mestre from Lisbon, Portugal, developed a rare disease which has left him deformed and he has a huge facial deformity which started growing on his lips when he was fourteen. Over the years, this tumor grew to be over five kilograms in weight. It caused him to become partialy blind in one eye and made it very hard for him to breathe, eat and sleep. He has spent forty years of his life without treatment because of “years of medical misinformation, some misdiagnosis, lack of finances, and reluctance to undergo treatment due to religious beliefs.”In 2010, José travelled to Chicago to undergo four operations to remove his tumor and restore his facial features. The tumor mass was removed completely in the first operation and the next three aimed to reconstruct the face. The operations were successful and José travelled back to Lisbon a few weeks after treatment.l


This is just horrible


Wonders shall never end,this couple got stuck after a night of extasy and love making only to find themselves in the open air,without knowing how they got there, Nobody can really explain this as it was a very weird occurrence. Neighbors heard loud ecstatic noise from the couple's apartment the night before, only for resident to wake up the following morning to see this couple in deep sleep in the middle of the road


Hindu believers regard  cows as a holy animals and say cows urine has divine healing properties.
However, they insist that the cow should be a virgin for one to drink its urine – she must not have delivered a calf. Also, the urine is to be collected just before sunrise – that’s the urine that has the best effect. They also claim that drinking cow pee is the only effective solution for treating baldness. Jairam Singhal, 42, who has been drinking cow pee for over a decade was keen to testify to its health benefits: ‘'I had diabetes, but ever since I have started drinking cow urine, my diabetes levels have been under control. Someone told me drinking cow urine is good for health.

 We have had cows here for over 12 years now, so first thing in the morning we take cow urine and drink it.’' For the cow owners, Singhal, they are excited at the amount of people that come to their ranch to drink 
urine. He said: ‘Lots of people come here. And of late, 
the numbers have been rising. We all gather in the 
morning and drink fresh urine that Mother cow offers 
us. Just a few years ago, there would hardly be anyone
 interested in taking cow urine from our shelter. But 
today lots of people come to our cow shelter. There are
 cancer patients sometimes – they want to see the 
benefits of cow urine. It is just a matter of time before
 people realise the utility of cow urine.

See Pastor Who Touches Women's Private Parts in His Church

It is no more news that a lot of pastors have lost their sense of reasoning all in the name of religion.
Some men of God have taken advantage o

f some of their sheep to deprive them one thing or another. The same thing said about female members of this church. I will allow you ask the necessary questions as regards why this pastor must touch the women's milk and private part to perform miracle????.

SHOCKING PHOTOS OF,, Vera Sidika Before And After The Money And The Fame

As with any common upcoming lady celebs in kenya, every celebrity and personality in the limelight has a past, and Kenyan socialite Vera  Sidika is no different.

Most of the time we get to see photos of her living the life and enjoying her hard-earned money as she makes more. But do you ever wonder how 'miss Dendai' who hit fame after appearing as a video vixen in P-unit's Award winning song 'You Guy', looked like before the money and the fame?
We came across some old photos of her and you have to admit she still had great taste in the finer things even then...
Check out who Vera was back in the day and who she is now..


TWO suspected witches have been arrested after they were found n3ked outside a house in Zimbabwe's suburb early Tuesday.
The two women, both from Gokwe in the reserve area, were charged with “engaging in practices commonly associated with witchcraft” before local magistrates, Inspector Tim Chibanda of Harare police said.
Inspector Chibanda said the women, who have not been named, were found bare with an assortment of witchcraft-associated paraphernalia including a live owl, two winnowing baskets which are used for flying in witchcraft mythology, a baboon skeleton and an orange substance in a 550ml Coca-Cola bottle.
The bizarre sight confronted children waking up to go to school shortly after 5AM at a house on Gata Street in Budiriro 2.
Witnesses said the owner of the house was a self-styled prophet who had had contact with the witches a day earlier.
Robert Mwade, a tenant, told our sources: “We found them in the morning, they were sitting on top of their winnowing baskets. It looks like they crash landed here.
“The prophets asked them what their business was and they said they came from Mutorashanga and were flying over Budiriro when they crashed.”

11 Things You’re Doing That Could Cause You To Die Young

Are you sitting down while reading this? Well that could be shortening your lifespan.
Let’s be honest: From the moment we’re born, we’re all dying just as we’re living. But certain mundane things we do every day may actually be helping us get there faster. None of this means we should even try to eliminate these behaviors from our lives entirely, but it’s proof that overdoing anything, even when seemingly innocuous, can have serious impacts on our health. Below we’ve rounded up 11 everyday things you’re probably doing that could potentially shorten your lifespan.
1. You’re having a hard time finding love.
Having a difficult time finding a mate can shave off months of your life, while being single for prolonged periods of time could cost you a whole decade. A study found that communities with gender ratios skewing significantly more male or female caused the minority sex to have shorter lifespans.
2. You’re sitting down for more than a few hours every day.
Two whole years of your life could be cut just from sitting more than three hours a day. Australian researchers found that even regular exercise couldn’t deter the potential negative effects of sitting for long stretches of time.
3. No Friends.
People with weak social connections were found to die at much higher rates than their counterparts, according to research.
On top of all this, elderly people with large circles of friends were found to be 22 percent less likely to die over a tested study period, and those social connections generally promote brain health in aging brains.
4. You’re vegging out in front of your TV.
Watching just two hours of television a day can lead to an increased risk of premature death, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, according to Harvard researchers. The negative effects of watching television seem to overlap with the potential negative effects of sitting too much, but watching television seems to make the negative effects of sitting even worse. ”
5. You’re eating too much unhealthy food.
Perhaps this sounds obvious, but the truth is that so many of us continue to do it. As far as what foods to especially avoid, eating red meat seems to shorten life expectancy by as much as 20 percent when eating extra portions.
6. You’re still looking for a job.
Being unemployed can increase a person’s risk of premature death by 63 percent. Other more specific studies found that “the two factors most strongly associated with higher death rates were smoking and not having a job.” Another found that older people who lost their jobs during the recession could have seen their lifespan decrease by as many as three years.
7. You’re dealing with a long commute.
Commutes of about an hour have been found to increase stress and have been linked to the same negative effects as sitting. Long commutes also reduce the likelihood that individuals will consistently participate in health related activities. The greatest lifespan risk is with female commuters, who were found to have significantly shorter lifespans after consistently commuting for 31 miles or more.
8. You’re having a dry-spell.
A study among men found that failing to orgasm for extended periods of time can potentially cause your mortality rate to be 50 percent higher than for those who have frequent orgasms. This result was found even when controlling for factors such as age, smoking, and social class. On the opposite spectrum, orgasms have been linked to quite a few additional health benefits.
9. You’re putting up with annoying co-workers.
Missing out on strong connections with your co-workers can also potentially mean missing out on a longer life. Peer social support, which could represent how well a participant is socially integrated in his or her employment context, is a potent predictor of the risk of all causes of mortality.
10. You’re not sleeping enough (or maybe too much?)
Harvard Medical School points out that research has shown that life expectancies significantly decrease in subjects who average less than five or more than nine hours a night.
Most of us suffer from too little rather than too much sleep, but research suggests there truly is a sleep “sweet spot” — at least if you’re primarily concerned about living for as long as possible.

11. You’re fearing death or that you won’t live for as long as you’d like.
This is a painful paradox. A fear of a shortened lifespans, or Thanatophobia, can potentially end up causing – a shortened lifespan. A 2012 study on cancer patients ended up finding that, “life expectancy was perceived as shortened in patients with death anxiety.”

Incredible Ways To Get Your Man Do Anything You Want

1. Don’t Fear him’: Put the sweet on and act innocent; do just about everything except bat your eyelashes  and it works! Even though you’re not naïve, try acting that way, put a little extra sugar on everything you say and do toward him.
2. Bring Backup. Does your boyfriend love surprises? Come prepared. If you want him to let you go out with your girlfriends one night, or to help you clean the apartment, make sure to stop and pick up something that he’ll really love
3. Make Him Think The Idea Was His. The best way to get through anything was to make him think it was his idea. You’ve got to be coy, but whenever you want your man to do something, make sure he thinks he came up with it… even if he knows he didn’t.
4. Go Old School. Just ask nicely — like, really, really nicely. Tell him how important is the thing that you want, and then promise to make it up to him afterward. How could a guy say no to that?
5. Shower him With Kindness. Make sure to butter him up well before asking him to do anything. So it doesn’t look too obvious, start much earlier in the day and just make him feel really good about himself.  How could a guy get angry at a girl who’s just spent the whole day giving him what he wants?
6. Lean In… For A Kiss. There’s nothing sweeter than a long kiss before asking for something. It’s like you’re saying ‘Yes, I need something from you, but I’m not gonna fight you for it.’
7. Give One, Get One. Go first! Make dinner for him, and then he’ll take the lead and clean up — without you having to nag. By seeing you take the initiative first, he’s more likely to realize that he wants to do something nice in return!

Qualities Of A Good Woman To Marry

1. She shares your beliefs
When it comes to finding your wife, I’ve heard “equally yoked.” It has nothing to do with weightlifting for those of you guys who like muscle women. Your potential wife should have the same beliefs you have. Now, you may think you can do some missionary dating, and turn that situation around so she will believe everything you do. You’re probably going to be very disappointed with some bad side effects. If you don’t have the same core beliefs….good luck.
2. She makes you a better man
If everyday is hell with her, that should be a red flag. Your potential wife should elevate you to Yourself 2.0. You can get a good idea from your friends and family. Do they say you act differently in a bad way when you are around her? Not a good sign. She should bring out the best in you, not bring out heartache and frayed nerves.
3. She’s trustworthy
In fact, she should inspire trustworthiness within you. If you don’t trust her, you’re probably making her as bitter as you’re making yourself. Not worth it. If you can’t trust her, maybe you’re not ready to date her or maybe you need to work on confidence issues within yourself. If there’s good reason not to trust her, don’t even go there. Just like any cheater, it’s bound to happen again.
4. She has ambition
She should have strength in character and carry herself with confidence. As a man, you should be the leader in the relationship, but for any dictators who feel justified here; we’re talking servant leadership. You probably don’t want the consummate follower either. She should have plans too. In fact, she should be a hard worker just like you. That doesn’t mean having a job is a requirement. One of my friends is a stay-at-home wife with three kids, and she works harder than any of my friends with careers.
5. She’s selfless
She should care about others. Look at the way she treats her family and her friends. If she’s not close with her family, and doesn’t have any good friends, that’s not a good sign. If you start dating her, much less marry her, you will discover why soon enough. Some questions to ask yourself: Does she care about causes? Does she go out and volunteer? Does she give change to the needy or buy them a meal? These are important characteristics to consider.
6. She’s attractive
In your eyes, she should be a “10.” When my wife walks in the room, I’m awestruck by her every time. She’s beautiful from the inside out. However, I’ve dated “hot” girls who ended up being downright ugly by the time we broke up. Personality plays into attractiveness big-time. Just remember, “charm is deceptive and beauty is fleeting.” She should be beautiful down to her soul because that kind of beauty lasts forever.
7. She’s smart
You’re going to be spending a lot of time with her, so she should be able to hold a good conversation. She should be wise, smart, and give you good advice. Her women’s intuition should be strong. I look to my wife all the time for advice. She’s collected all sorts of wisdom from her mom. She remembers everything. Yes, everything….maybe too much.
8. She loves you unconditionally
If she’s trying to change you to be another person, it’s time to move on. Your future wife should love you just as you are, regardless of anything you’ve done in your past. There will be minor adjustments along the way, but if she nags you about your core characteristics, it won’t get any better in marriage.
9. She’s responsible
Does she remember appointments and meetings? Does she flake all of the time? She should already do a good job of managing her own life. If she’s got loads of debt and doesn’t work, you’re going to be taking all of that on. Ultimately, she will have some part in your financial well-being, and guess what? Finances remain one of the leading causes of divorce.
10. She gets along with your family and friends
If she doesn’t even try to connect with your family and/or friends, let her go. She shouldn’t be critical of the people who you love and have been loyal to you throughout your life. There might be cases where your mom doesn’t like your future wife, and that may require your intervention; but in general, she should be a good fit with the people in your life.

6 things women NEED to learn from men

So, taking the battle of sexes forward, we allowed men to share things the ladies could learn from them to make life a little more worth living…And what more? Brought in some ladies too, for sharing their piece of mind…

1. Man teaches: Logic Lessons

“Don’t hate me for pointing this out, but life will be far easier if women understand that everything in life has logic behind it. Men follow their innate logic as they take decisions, while women are absolutely unaware about the mere existence of logic. And this makes it really hard for men to deal with women,”Gal talk:

“Women possess an innate sense of judgment, which they learn while living life. We do get influenced many a time, but at the same time we have a very ‘pace-y logic’ that we learn on the way. This usually makes us ‘street-smart,’ but unfortunately men don’t relate to this and end up calling us ‘logic-illiterate,”

2. Man teaches: Emotions can take a backseat at times

Usually blamed for lacking emotions “Women must learn that every situation doesn’t call for a huge emotional turmoil. Holding back one’s sentiments when they are not

required won’t make the female s3x hard-hearted and indifferent, but of course a little rational and practical.”

Gal talk:

Waving the emotional flag higher, “When women use emotions, they put their brains behind each one of their emotions to ensure that they don’t hurt people while putting their thoughts forward. I think emotions add meaning to one’s life.”

3. Man teaches: Everything doesn’t call for intensity

Women call it showing that they care, while men tag it as being overtly intense. “Missing breakfast is not such a big deal as women make it to be by reminding us a hundred times that we missed it. Women usually get intense about the smallest of things and situations. If they learn to chill out from men, they’ll be able to enjoy life like never before,”

Gal talk: “One of the partners has to be over -the-top to make the other one feel wanted in the relationship. It’s the intensity in a woman that helps her enrich every relationship in her life with depth and compassion. Else, a woman’s home would have been as cold as the road, where no one cares for the other.”

4. Man teaches: Gossip, only when needed

Despite being official that even men gossip,  women want to learn the art of keeping a tab on gossip sessions from men. “I’m not asking women to stop gossiping. I don’t mean that men don’t gossip, but what I want women to learn from men is doing a controlled crime. Not every situation calls for a gossip and bitching session,”

Gal talk:

In a mood for some male bashing, , “To gossip or not to gossip is an absolute individual choice. Still, since time immemorial women have been blamed for being gossip mongers. But off late the tables have turned and one can’t miss those all-male, coffee counter hush-hush sessions. We are still better than men because we don’t feel ashamed of an act that we love to indulge in!”

5. Man teaches: Sense of humour
We thought only women craved for men who possess a great sense of humour!“Women are in desperate need to learn the art of laughing at life from men. Compared to men, women lack a good sense of humour and as a result they fail to enjoy life.”
Gal talk:
“Have you ever heard a man laughing his guts out at his own self, but women do that with ease. Gatecrash an all women pajama party and you’ll know. However if they blame us for being ‘bad at humour’ because we can’t take jokes aimed at our spouses and kids, then I guess, men need to learn a lesson or two from women,”
6. Man teaches: To taste reality
Blaming women for living in their own dream world most of the times. relationships experts , want women to be more practical about life.  women tend to have a rather fantasised thinking about almost everything that happens in life, be it a relationship or a marriage. They should learn from men to think practically about life and accept that things can’t be eternally hunky dory as per their dreams.”
Gal talk:
“I’ll blame it on the genes that women possess. They love to get flattered, is it too hard for men to understand that? There’s a way to put things across. The art of deception is a trait men ought to learn from women,.

Touching story;The desire to have a bigger behind made me lose my limbs

Apryl Michelle Brown had black-market silicone injections which turned out to be BATHROOM SEALANT.
It left her in agony and led to her losing her four limbs, as well as her behind.
The 46-year-old former hairdresser blames ignorance and wants to warn other women of the terrible dangers of such illegal treatments.
She said that she paid a terrible price for vanity and it will haunt her for the rest of her life. But she blames no one but myself.
She wants to share her story to warn others about these so-called ‘quick fix’ surgeries.
“I didn’t realise the dangers. I thought it was just a harmless injection that would give her the perfect bottom. But the reality was the silicone used wasn’t suitable for humans. It was, in fact, bathroom sealant only suitable for DIY.
“My body had a massive allergic reaction to it which left me at the brink of death.
“I was in so much agony that, by that point, dying would have been a release. But doctors told her the only way to save her life was to amputate my buttocks, and limbs,
she was always Teased as a child about her “pancake” bum, and she vowed to buy a shapelier one when she was older.
Apryl, from Los Angeles, said: “One of the women told me how she had given bum shot to the friend who was with her.
“I remember thinking it was a breakthrough into her life. Her friend showed me the work she’d had done and it looked great.

“In a split second she had made the decision that she was going to go to this woman and let her inject silicone into my behind.”
That decision nearly killed her. Apryl paid the quack, who had no medical background, around £650 for two lots of injections. Doctors later discovered the substance used was industrial-grade silicone.
She admitted that she didn’t do any research. A combination of naivety and ignorance, misplaced trust and insecurity led April to take the disastrous decision.
“I trusted her with my life because she seemed so professional, and I had no reason to think anything awful was going to happen to me.
“She carried out the procedure in her daughter’s bedroom. She assessed my bottom and said, ‘You’ll need three or four sessions to get the result you want’.
“The first procedure took an hour. I remember asking, ‘Is it meant to be so painful?’ and she said, ‘Yes’. It felt like it was squeezing through my nerves.”
Within weeks Apryl returned for her second treatment..”
Over the next two years the area where she’d been injected became hard and the skin blackened.
Apryl, mum to daughters Danye, 22 and Courtney, 21, said: “Within a few months of the second injection my buttocks began to harden. I knew something wasn’t right. But shame stopped me seeking medical help. As time went on it got worse as the skin blackened. I developed hard lumps. Then the searing pain started. I had to tell my doctor what I did. I was so ashamed.”
Apryl spent the next four years in constant pain. Two surgeons told her it was too dangerous to remove the silicone.
She said: “I was in so much agony I became a regular at hospital asking for medication to ease what was like a combination of a migraine, childbirth and toothache localised in one area.
In February 2011 a surgeon operated unsuccessfully. Apryl developed a hole in her buttocks — thought to be the trigger for an infection that in June was nearly fatal. She said: “I was 24 hours from dying. I didn’t think of leaving my family. It was a relief I’d finally be free of pain.”
Doctors put her in an induced coma for two months while performing 27 surgeries — starting with amputating her buttocks — and doing extensive skin grafts.
She said: “They saved me but gangrene set into my hands and feet. I was brought out of sedation
shortly before I became a quadruple amputee.
“My hands looked like those of a dead person. I knew then I was going to lose them.”
She added: “At first you try to register your new limbs. The real comprehension comes when you start to live this new life.
“I had dark times. I cried a sea of tears. I had to face the fact I’d lost my hands, feet and buttocks because of complications from bottom injections. I was overwhelmed by shame and guilt… all because I wanted a bigger bottom.
“I was six months in hospital. By the time I was discharged I was determined to turn this terrible thing into something positive.
“I decided to do a triathlon. I told myself if I could achieve that I could do anything.
“I took my first steps again by the end of 2011. I built up to training six days a week, learning to walk, cycle then swim again using my residual limbs.
“I’d be crying in pain but I’d push through it. And six weeks ago I did it — completing a three-mile walk, ten-mile cycle and a 150-metre swim.
“When I crossed that finishing line with my family cheering me on, I cried tears of joy.”
She added: “I haven’t sued or sought compensation. I just want to move on. There are things I miss dearly — I’ll never be able to do my girls’ hair or feel sand between my toes.
“But I believe I survived to share my story.
“I want to warn others of the dangers of black-market surgery. We were born whole, perfect and complete.
“My greatest message is we have to learn to love and accept ourselves for who we are.”